The Oval on the campus of The Ohio State University

Student enrollment reports

Fifteenth Day Enrollment Report

Fifteenth Day Student Enrollment Overview

The Fifteenth Day Enrollment Report provides summary enrollment and demographic information for Columbus campus and the total university. This information is based on the fifteenth day enrollment census data and is produced each term.

Enrollment trend tables – 5 years

These reports present 5 years of Fifteenth Day Enrollment summary information.

Regional campus enrollment trend tables

These reports present a trend of Fifteenth Day Enrollment summary information for regional campuses.

Regional campus enrollment term tables

Provides a summary of regional campus enrollment by county at time of application.

Provides historical yearly enrollment back to the founding of the university.

Autumn term enrollment by level, 1957 to present.

Archived enrollment reports

Term Highlights of Fifteenth Day Enrollment

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The Fifteenth Day Enrollment Report provides summary enrollment and demographic information for Columbus campus and the total university. This information is based on the fifteenth day enrollment census data and is produced each term.

Regional Campus Enrollment – Addenda to Term Highlights of Fifteenth Day Enrollment

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This report provides additional Fifteenth Day Enrollment summary information for each individual regional campus.

Enrollment trends tables – 10 years

These reports present 10 years of Fifteenth Day Enrollment summary information for specific terms.